Hans Kalliwoda
As a bridge builder and game changer Hans Kalliwoda was a Ph.D. Arts candidate at the University of Leiden. There he focused on human and environmental sustainability issues and developed practices of totemism in a contemporary context. Since the 1980s, Kalliwoda’s work has focused on the integration of spectators into artworks, installations and interventions. His conceptual work has been exhibited in numerous galleries, museums and public spaces internationally. As co-initiator, he gives creative direction to the not-for-profit Blindpainters Foundation. With his holistic vision of a sustainable practice he has successfully proven possible, a working alternative to the ‘art-business-as-usual’ for the past twenty-five years.
Latest work
One of his latest project the World in a Shell – Polliniferous project (WiaS) continues his decades-long tradition of travel and
exchange. With this intervention project, Kalliwoda stimulated the Delft University of Technology with new paradigms and programs (2000-2005) revealing how the thrill of exchange invites participation. Working within the framework of autonomy and mobility, Kalliwoda often plays the guinea pig of his own experiments.
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