the glocal BeeCare Amsterdam

BeeCare Amsterdam is an interdisciplinary art project that combines sociological, ecological and educational elements through performative acts, 3D objects and scientific research. BeeCare Amsterdam has at its goal to engage in the global pollination problematic by creating Bee protection zones within inner city areas. A bee protection zone is a place where human hospitality supplies the necessities needed by pollinators, especially for wild bees.

Hospitality for the RefuBee, provided in the form of a 5 star board and lodging.

BeeTotems and BeeHotels 

We designed custom-made BeeHotels for shelter and BeeTotems for ‘restaurants’. BeeHotels are installed on balconies and BeeTotems preferably in public space to function as awareness creating billboards. Please view this presentation (in Dutch language):

Both of these objects need to be hosted by individual people and consequently become an ‘interface’ to evolve social cohesion. BeeTotems and BeeHotels are free of charge and if you like to get involved please fill in this file and send it to

The Inner City as Nature Reserve

In Spring 2014 the symposium with the title ‘The Inner City as Nature Reserve’ was held to inspire measures to improve an inner city biotope that equally adds to the well being of the people and to the pollinating insects alike.  Researchers came to the conclusion that a greener city environment that has been instigated through a ‘bottom-up’ initiative has remarkable effects on the health on people who inhabit the area and drastically reduces crime rates. A greener city environment enhances social cohesion. There is a certain urgency to create a new vocabulary that can cover aspects that are part of these transitions.

Scientific collaborations

The BeeCare Amsterdam project regularly consults with specialists from the field and its advisory board is consisting of entomologists, biologists and ecologists. Bob Ursem, director of the TU Delft Botanical Garden, Jeroen van der Sluijs, University of Utrecht, Environmental Sciences, Menno Reemer, Naturalis in Leiden and researcher on systematics and faunistics of Syrphidae (Diptera), Gert de Jong, Amsterdam City ecologist, Soesja van Gelderen, UvA, Biologist and Master c. Ecology and Evolution, with the focus on solitary bees in Amsterdam, Jelle Harms, Spatial Ecologist and GIS specialist and Oscar Vrij, chairman Bijenpark Amsterdam.

Committee of recommendation

The committee of recommendation consist of Prof. Dr. Marinus J.Sommeijer, Department of Biology, Utrecht University, Marc van den Tweel, Director at Natuurmonumenten, Maas Goote, Director at IUCN NL, Taeke Kuipers, Director at Stichting Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam.


BeeCare Amsterdam projects have found financial support by the City of Amsterdam Stadsdeel West, Province Noord-Holland, Prins Bernhard Fonds, GWL terrain, De Alliantie, ABC Alliantie West, Groen en Doen, Fonds voor Oost, ANMEC en NMA.


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